The village of Tanjung Belit administratively included in the Upper left area of Kampar Regency, subdistrict of Kampar, this village is more or less the 3jam from Soweto, access to reach this village so easily because the roads are already paved, from Pekanbaru travel we point toward Folding a  cloth, Equator Monument (Monument) became an icon of Folding the cloth, and only a few kilometers from the Equator Monument we will find the intersection of the three , at the intersection of these three willwe encounter a signs hint towards the village and the village of Kuntu Echoes. Fromthe junction towards the village of Tanjung Belit more or less is 35 km.

Waterfall Stone Wall in the village of Tanjung Belit have attraction for adventure lovers and also the environment, the existence of this waterfall will need to be a seriousconcern for all of us especially for local governments. The sustainability of the forestand also the main actor of the existence of waste into the waterfall.

To get to the sights of waterfalls Stone Walls needed about 3 hours drive from Soweto to Fold the fabric along the 72 km. then Fold the fabric of our journey continue to Echo around the Village 27 km from the village of Gema resumed again about 5 km to the village of Tanjung Belit. To reach the village of Tanjung Belit, no signposts for sure, so it's good to ask the local people.

Because its pretty much, then diperluka having thorough preparation before heading there. Make sure your vehicle's conditions before setting out, bring a sufficient supply and do not forget to also bring clothes to replace. Along the way, because the later dismissal of places like the small mosque and FILLING STATIONS rare.
Arriving at the village of Tanjung Belit, this is the last place that could pass a vehicle.The vehicle can be deposited on the home page of the citizens who became the parking rates parking Rp3000.
Because of a steep road, it's worth doing the warming up beforehand to avoid injury. For visitors who rarely exercise, with travel time 45 minutes and a pretty steep footpath apalgi if the rainy season, this line will feel heavy. So keep having thorough preparation.

After a 45-minute walk, faintly audible sounds of splash water. Until finally also in the waterfall Stone walls. There are three waterfalls in the tourist complex of stone Walls, which are being targeted by the current name implies Water surfing. It is the highest waterfall, there are small ponds and shallow. For those who want to jump please take care yes.

Interested in here? Let us explore the Riau Province, there are many attractions that are not yet diekplorasi

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